GPS timing signals are used in many applications from Cellular networks to Data centers. Typically, the GPS signal has to be transferred from the antenna to a control room. When this distance exceeds about 100 ft, coax cable can’t be used due to high signal losses. RFOptic provides its GPS Over Fiber solution that carries the GPS signal several miles without any distortion or losses to the original signal.

In many applications the GPS signal has to be transmitted from one GPS antenna on the roof to multiple locations within a building.  If the distances are short, this can be achieved by RF splitters.  However, RFOptic’s GPS Over Fiber has the advantage of performing an optical split and carry the same GPS signal to many remote locations.

The small form factor of RFOptic’s ruggedized enclosures makes its GPSoF solutions ideal for both fixed and mobile applications where space is an issue. Our GPS over Fiber Optics solutions are easy to deploy, cost-effective, and highly reliable for distributing GPS signals over fiber optics. The modules have a relatively high gain (about 40 dB) with excellent gain flatness as well as a low noise figure (thanks to an integrated LNA in the transmitter). In addition, their power consumption is very low. The standard optical connector is FC/APC, with SC/APC being available upon request.

Available as outdoor enclosures (unidirectional/bidirectional), 1U generic enclosures (4 units each), or 1U removable panel enclosures (4/8 units each), our GPSoF solutions are ideal for GPS over Fiber, Timing Synchronization, and DAS applications. Upon request, we can provide our GPS over Fiber solutions as OEM depending on quantities.

To learn more, download our GPSoF brochure.