As mentioned in our latest newsletter, we have been very busy during Q1 of this year. Our R&D department has designed a new standard enclosure for our ODL solutions.

This new design features an informative display with a keypad that provides a clear readout of the ODL state and allows rapid manual adjustments. The manual controls are augmented with direct software control of all available features of the ODL. The management and control software is available through an USB interface with our standard RFOptic configuration tool, a special application that is dedicated to provide GUI to all RFOptic products including RFoF programmable links, RFoF HF series links, and ODL systems. By using an LCD and a 3-button navigation pad, it is now possible to control the system without any additional computer.

The new Optical Delay Line design supports a large set of features and custom options, including: Fixed and progressive delay configurations with 256 states or more with bandwidth up to 40GHz, and high-speed delay switching under 100μsec. Other features, such as RF and optical routing, amplification, and attenuation are available upon request. Currently, our optical delay lines are managed locally through the USB port or managed and controlled with our optical delay lines via our HTML/SNMP management system.

In general, we offer four groups of ODLs:

  1. Any type of fixed or progressive ODL of up to 6.0GHz with direct modulation (L, S, & C bands).
  2. Any type of fixed or progressive ODL of up to 8.0GHz – 18GHz with indirect modulation (L, S, C, X, & Ku bands).
  3. Any type of fixed or progressive ODL of up to 20GHz, up to 27GHz and up to 40GHz upon request.
  4. Altimeter Optical Delay Line(ALT ODL), providing a high-performance solution for testing and calibration of radar altimeter systems.

To read more about our ODL solutions, click here